Women's Ministry


Wednesday - 7PM Life More Abundantly Bible Study on Zoom (Meeting ID: 818 8474 3847 Passcode: 335458)

The Women's Ministry of New Heights Missionary Baptist Church

Join the women of New Heights Missionary Baptist Church as they grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord and think through practical applications to everyday life. Keep an eye on our events page for upcoming events for the women of NHMBC.

Deborah's Wisdom Women's Ministry!

Come study the Word of God with New Heights anointed women of God and build relationships with other women of various stages in life(youth, teens, millennials, mid-life, seniors, married, widows, divorced and singles) at one of our women's Bible studies. Women also meet for discipleship and service opportunities to shine in our community, as well as for our yearly conference(future) and retreat(future). VISION II (@ NEW LOCATION) as the LORD directs...Every 2nd & 4th Saturday
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Rahab's Promise Women's Ministry

          As JESUS leads us...