In Focus For Teen Girls


Wednesday - 7PM Life More Abundantly Bible Study on Zoom (Meeting ID: 818 8474 3847 Passcode: 335458)

The latest at New Heights Missionary Baptist Church

In Focus For Teen Girls!

Challenging teen girls that as they grow into young women, to live life true and genuine in the light of Christ and watch God our heavenly Father honor them as the daughters of Zion they are as they affect this world for Jesus Christ... Experiencing living life holy and on fire for Jesus!

Blindsided By Rejection

by: Les Jackson



We're in a world that's full of rejection and we go through the motions sometimes everyday- but inside our heart is dying. That's how rejection can feel. One of the first things the Bible tells us about Jesus is that He knows how it feels to be rejected (Isaiah 53:3), it says that Jesus was rejected. He understands our pain (Hebrews 4:14-16)

. Try to help other teens with these words and blog it out...

* As hard as it is to believe, rejection is not the end of the story. S

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